Mystic India - award winning IMAX epic film made on India – is released in Prasadz today. Dr. Dave and Mr. Kalpesh from BAPS Care International participated in a press meet followed by a screening at Prasads IMAX.
Speaking on the occasion Kalpesh (an alumnus of BITS Pilani) who is the creative director and producer of Mystic India said, “Mystic India has amazing production values. Benhur is called an epic film because 8000 extras worked for that movie. For Mystic India, around 45000 extras worked. The Rath Yatra episode features 10,000 extras. The Children episode featuring Indian flag consists of 20000 kids selected from all the parts of India. The volunteers of BAPS worked as extras in this movie without taking a penny as remuneration. We shot the movie in 108 different locations for 4 months in two schedules. The post production work took around 1 and half years. We used 1 lac traditional costumes for this movie. Since most of the technicians and actors worked for this movie voluntarily, we could able to complete the production with 3.8 million USD. Any Hollywood film of same epic proportion would have cost around 40 million USD.”
Ramesh Prasad said, “Watching Mystic India makes you proud that you are an Indian. It shows us why India is such a diversified country with excellent and vast landscapes and unique cultures. This movie ran successfully all over the world. Prince Charles watched this movie and amazed at the beauty of India. Watching this movie is like discovering our own India.”
About Mystic India:
Mystic India is a presentation of BAPS Care International is narrated by Sir Peter O’Toole, the legendary English actor. Photographed by award winning photographer Reed Smoot and directed by the well-known and respected Keith Melton, Mystic India travels throughout the country of India exploring the mysteries and fascinations of the land and the culture. The film is distributed by Giant Screen Films.
India is a single nation as large as all of Europe with a population that comprises one-sixth of the world. The film explores India’s geographic and cultural diversity, soars over the natural beauty of its land and architecture and celebrates its spectacular festivals, colorful customs and spiritual wonders.
More than 45,000 volunteers helped recreate authentic scenes for the film. Festivals seen in Mystic India are large and spectacular. Massive crowds celebrate the 2500-year-old Festival of Chariots. Thousands take part in the celebrations including the annual Festival of Lights and Festival of Colors.
In this 45-minute film, shot in over 100 locations, audiences are taken from the freezing peaks of the Himalayas to the nation’s scorching deserts and tropical rainforests; across fields and rivers and to small remote villages, all along witnessing the sheer natural beauty of India as well as the incredible achievements of its people.
Mystic India also takes an interesting look at the amazing power of yoga and meditation. In the film, Neelkanth survives incredibly harsh conditions, a phenomenon that that Harvard scientists researching modern day yogis’ in India has proven to be possible.
The film also explores India’s extensive and accomplished history. India has made important contributions to the world, from astronomy and aviation to atomic physics, geometry and mathematics. In fact India is credited with the invention of the ‘Zero’ and the Decimal System.
A sequence in the film documents the ‘Faces of India’ and the diversity among its inhabitants. India is the only country that speaks 18 different languages and more than 1,600 dialects. India is home to a billion people of different religions, traditions and backgrounds. The film presents that there is unity in diversity and that we are all one people; we share the same sky, walk the same earth, and breathe the same air; that we are a single human family.
Learn about India’s diverse culture and way of life and see India as never before. The cinematography is picture perfect and the stunning images are breathtaking and immersive.
Award-winning Film
This docu-drama has been made in IMAX format to show in IMAX theatres World wide. It has been released in over 50 IMAX theatres across the world and won prestigious recognition, including the Viewers Choice Award at the ‘La Geode’ IMAX competition in Paris.
Awareness of India and its Unity
Mystic India is unique as it is the first IMAX film on India made by Indians. Mystic India’s recurring theme is India’s age-old teaching of Unity in Diversity. It teaches the inspiring message that “We share the same sky, Walk the same earth, Breathe the same air, that we are a Single Human Family